Saturday, 29 October 2016

Lesson 17: Introducing the brief

Starter: Technique Boards
As a class it is important for you to see each other's work: Walk around the room and view each others technique boards. One at a time highlight what you think is the strongest work on each board and why!

Lesson Aims: To begin generating ideas for Component 1 by creating a development cycle and making connection to the work of others.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 & AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Receive the brief and understand the project / assessment objectives
2. Connect to the work of a range of contemporary artists
3. Choose one of the six themes and create a 'Development Cycle' of ideas relating to your topic
Extension: Create a mood board of imagery relating to your chosen theme.


The Brief:
Receive and understand the brief. Read through it and highlight/annotate areas of particular interest. Once you have read through it individually we will discuss it as a class and add further annotations!

Artist Discussion:
What artists do you know already related to the six topics? You will also be shown a PowerPoint presentation with a range of different artists on to inspire you. Don't forget to look on Pinterest for more!

Assessment Objectives:

The Development Cycle:
The last 30 mins of the lesson is all about selecting your theme and ensuring you have selected the right one! Complete three development cycles to help develop initial ideas. Look through the example Component 1 boards from previous students to inspire you!

Extension: Moodboard
Find visual imagery to create an A3 mood board by hand. Make sure you include images of artists work, your chosen theme (e.g. landscape) and experiments with materials/techniques. Look at the example below for inspiration and use Pinterest as a start for your research. 

Plenary: Chosen Theme
What theme have you chosen to be your topic for Unit 1? We will go round the class and discuss!

Homework: Artist Research
1. Using Pinterest explore the site and board related to your chosen theme
2. Find a min of 2 artists referenced from the relevant topic board e.g. AS: Distortion
3. Print out a min of 6 different images to work from across the week - this is important that it is something you are visually inspired and engaged by!

You must bring these images with you to Tuesdays lesson!

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