Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Architecture (Abigail Reynolds)

Starter: Paper Pinwheels

Lesson Aims: To understand the work of artist Abigail Reynolds and extend your paper-cutting skills by creating a minimum of one inspired study of her work.

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Look at, discuss and make notes about the work of Abigail Reynolds 
2. Alter images by exploring shape and pattern to create your own Reynolds inspired imagery
3. Discuss strengths in final pieces through a group exhibition.
Extension: Experiment with shapes/letters to create folds at different scales.


Connection to the work of others:
Look at the work of Abigail Reynolds. In pairs discuss and make notes on her use of the following:
  • Shape
  • Imagery/Subject Matter
  • Colour

Abigail Reynolds inspired work:
Over the next hour you will create your own Abigail Reynolds inspired work. You will create a minimum of one piece that incorporates triangular cuts and folds. 

1. Select two images from the 'found' imagery and decide which image will be the top/bottom
2. Using tracing paper transfer your bottom image onto the paper using pen
3. Remember to incorporate everything you have learnt from your line/tone lessons!

1. Select your top image and glue a sheet of sugar paper to back of the top image.
2. Use a ruler to draw a grid over the top image. To save time measuring, draw along both sides of the ruler  (so the lines are 1 ruler width apart) then slide it across and draw the next line (1 ruler width apart). Repeat this across your image in both directions to create squares.
3. Use a scalpel to cut along 2 adjoining sides of each square but not quite into the corners! You could do this with the same sides of each square, or mix it up and select random 2 sides. Then fold back each flap.
4. Place the top image over the bottom image and glue around the edges to hold it in place.

Plenary: Group Exhibition
Display your final pieces on the table in front of you and join in the group discussion!


1. Create 2 A4 framed boxes  

2. Research Sunga Park on Pinterest

3. One frame must be a Sunga Park copy using pen and watercolour

4. One frame must be a Maja Wronska copy using any medium that you like

5. Briefly annotate under each frame the technique and timescale.

Deadline: First lesson w/c 5th October 2015!

Remember to use the student examples on GoogleDrive here to help you!

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