Saturday, 29 October 2016

Lesson 2: Artist Research

Starter: Numeracy in Art & Design 
- initial response: How do we use numeracy in art & design?
- How have I used numeracy in my own artwork? PPT (claire) PPT (Kirsty)
- Recap: How we use numeracy in art and design
- what do we need to use numeracy for today?

Lesson Aims: To begin working towards AO1 (artist research) and AO3 (secondary research: recording) by creating your own paintings/drawings of your researched artists work.

Lesson Objectives (During this lesson we will): 
1. Set yourself clear targets and a checklist for the upcoming weeks of work to be completed
2. Select keywords to inform your response to your artists
3. Start/continue responding to an artist's work through a variety of chosen techniques and media.
Extension Combine artworks/artist techniques together and create a new and unique image!


15 MINUTES Starter
Numeracy discussion
15 MINUTES Setting deadlines 
Set yourself a target for today's lesson
Using the literacy sheets select key focus words for your artist response

25 MINUTES responding to your artist
Your artist research contributes to TWO of the four assessment criteria which you are graded against so it is vital that it is completed to the best of your ability. 

You must research 2 artists and complete a 
minimum of 3 responses to their work!

5 MINUTES reflect 
Refer to the words you selected for your artist - is the work you've made so far in line with the words you've chosen?

25 MINUTES continued response
continue responding to your artist making sure your work clearly reflects the style of the artist!

Reflect on your plan...
What did you set out to do today?
Have you achieved it?
Set yourself a target for next lesson

1. To reflect on key word sheet and continue creating artist imagery - aim for a min of 1 to be complete by your last lesson this week for teacher review.

Deadline: Last lesson of the week!

Lesson 17: Introducing the brief

Starter: Technique Boards
As a class it is important for you to see each other's work: Walk around the room and view each others technique boards. One at a time highlight what you think is the strongest work on each board and why!

Lesson Aims: To begin generating ideas for Component 1 by creating a development cycle and making connection to the work of others.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 & AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Receive the brief and understand the project / assessment objectives
2. Connect to the work of a range of contemporary artists
3. Choose one of the six themes and create a 'Development Cycle' of ideas relating to your topic
Extension: Create a mood board of imagery relating to your chosen theme.


The Brief:
Receive and understand the brief. Read through it and highlight/annotate areas of particular interest. Once you have read through it individually we will discuss it as a class and add further annotations!

Artist Discussion:
What artists do you know already related to the six topics? You will also be shown a PowerPoint presentation with a range of different artists on to inspire you. Don't forget to look on Pinterest for more!

Assessment Objectives:

The Development Cycle:
The last 30 mins of the lesson is all about selecting your theme and ensuring you have selected the right one! Complete three development cycles to help develop initial ideas. Look through the example Component 1 boards from previous students to inspire you!

Extension: Moodboard
Find visual imagery to create an A3 mood board by hand. Make sure you include images of artists work, your chosen theme (e.g. landscape) and experiments with materials/techniques. Look at the example below for inspiration and use Pinterest as a start for your research. 

Plenary: Chosen Theme
What theme have you chosen to be your topic for Unit 1? We will go round the class and discuss!

Homework: Artist Research
1. Using Pinterest explore the site and board related to your chosen theme
2. Find a min of 2 artists referenced from the relevant topic board e.g. AS: Distortion
3. Print out a min of 6 different images to work from across the week - this is important that it is something you are visually inspired and engaged by!

You must bring these images with you to Tuesdays lesson!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Architecture (Abigail Reynolds)

Starter: Paper Pinwheels

Lesson Aims: To understand the work of artist Abigail Reynolds and extend your paper-cutting skills by creating a minimum of one inspired study of her work.

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Look at, discuss and make notes about the work of Abigail Reynolds 
2. Alter images by exploring shape and pattern to create your own Reynolds inspired imagery
3. Discuss strengths in final pieces through a group exhibition.
Extension: Experiment with shapes/letters to create folds at different scales.


Connection to the work of others:
Look at the work of Abigail Reynolds. In pairs discuss and make notes on her use of the following:
  • Shape
  • Imagery/Subject Matter
  • Colour

Abigail Reynolds inspired work:
Over the next hour you will create your own Abigail Reynolds inspired work. You will create a minimum of one piece that incorporates triangular cuts and folds. 

1. Select two images from the 'found' imagery and decide which image will be the top/bottom
2. Using tracing paper transfer your bottom image onto the paper using pen
3. Remember to incorporate everything you have learnt from your line/tone lessons!

1. Select your top image and glue a sheet of sugar paper to back of the top image.
2. Use a ruler to draw a grid over the top image. To save time measuring, draw along both sides of the ruler  (so the lines are 1 ruler width apart) then slide it across and draw the next line (1 ruler width apart). Repeat this across your image in both directions to create squares.
3. Use a scalpel to cut along 2 adjoining sides of each square but not quite into the corners! You could do this with the same sides of each square, or mix it up and select random 2 sides. Then fold back each flap.
4. Place the top image over the bottom image and glue around the edges to hold it in place.

Plenary: Group Exhibition
Display your final pieces on the table in front of you and join in the group discussion!


1. Create 2 A4 framed boxes  

2. Research Sunga Park on Pinterest

3. One frame must be a Sunga Park copy using pen and watercolour

4. One frame must be a Maja Wronska copy using any medium that you like

5. Briefly annotate under each frame the technique and timescale.

Deadline: First lesson w/c 5th October 2015!

Remember to use the student examples on GoogleDrive here to help you!

Lesson 18: Artist Research & Reading Week Tasks

Starter: What theme / artists have you chosen?
One at a time say to the class (and me!) what theme / artists you have chosen and why. 

Lesson Aims: To begin working towards artist research by creating your own paintings/drawings/prints of your researched artist's work. 

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. State which theme and artist's you are exploring for Unit 1
2. Understand why you are undertaking artist research and how to write an Artist Review
3. Start responding to an artist's work through a variety of chosen techniques: 1 must be pen held down and 2 must be in colour using any media/materials.
Extension: Consider creating responses of artist work with other methods of creative line:


Artist Review:
For each artist you must write an in-depth review of their work - writing a min of 500 words, typed for each. Use the sheet below as guidance and reference the PPT shown in class and Google Drive!

Responding to an artist's work:
Your artist research contributes to all four assessment criteria which you are graded agains't so it is vital that it is completed to the best of your ability. Explore their style, embed your own style within it and pay careful attention to the way the artist represents their subject. 

You must research a min of 2 artists and complete a 
minimum of 3 responses to their work!


Plenary: What makes a good photograph?
As a class we will discuss what makes a good photograph to create interesting and engaging subject matter.

1. Complete 6-8 artist studies from a min of 2 different artist's related to your theme - vary the scale/material/technique and media!
2. Take 40 digital photographs related to your theme / artist's
3. Print out your images as a contact sheet (see here for how to do it - Mac / PC)
4. Highlight the strongest photos - circling around them and crossing out ones you don't want to use
5. Annotate around your contact images - e.g. Strong use of composition / interesting angle
6. Print out a min of 10 images to work from (at least postcard size)
Extension: Try combining elements from artist images together to create something new!

Deadline: 1st lesson back after Reading Week!

Lesson 15 & 16: Presentation

Starter: Presentation of Mounting

Lesson Aims: To select strongest technique work and mount a minimum of one A1 board.

Assessment Objectives: AO3 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Understand what good presentation looks like 
2. Select and mount strong technique work for submission last lesson of the week.



Remember to use the student examples on GoogleDrive here to help you!

Peer Feedback:
Walk around the room and view each others technique boards. Split into groups of 4 and highlight what is the strongest work and why. Place a post-it note on each strength with detailed feedback.


1. Complete figurative overlay by next lesson
2. Buy mountboard / blu tack for next lesson in order to mount techniques
3. Complete the following written review:

It is important that you reflect on the journey you have been on over the past five weeks and you are required to complete a written review of your strongest techniques to show understanding and development of skills.


Reflect on the selection of techniques you have presented by discussing the different experiments/subject matters and why you have chosen these techniques! 

• Write an explanation of the techniques you have selected for your boards:
Does your board have a theme or do your studies have anything in common? If so, explain! Your technique board might be focused on colour or you might of learnt a new skill in being expressive. What techniques are you keen to continue developing throughout your work in Component 1?

This is your opportunity to go more in-depth about your selected techniques!

• Describe the use of materials and the use of formal elements (line, colour, tone, texture, shape, depth and rhythm!)

How have your techniques been drawn or painted? Describe the marks you see within certain studies! For example - what size are the marks, are they carefully applied, dripped, scratches, blended, dotted, etc. If you have paintings or prints describe the consistency of the medium - e.g. is it thin, thick, dry, oily, etc. Describe the use of colour, tone and overall composition of your studies.

• How have your skills changed over the course of the techniques?

Explain your initial techniques and how your skills have developed over time, making sure that you link back to any techniques that helped you develop other studies. For example, continuous line may have helped you map out more refined studies quicker and made tone more dominant in studies. Were any of your studies created in timed restraints? e.g. 10 minute study. Did you find this difficult at first or did it help you improve your overall drawing skills?


• Discuss how your ideas have been influenced by key artist/designers you have looked at...

Reflect on artists you have researched and learnt in class related to certain techniques - did they inspire the way you approached drawing/painting/printmaking at all? Did you find any artists that took your work on a totally different path? Which artist/technique are you keen to explore further in Component 1? Discuss these points!

This is your opportunity to sum-up what techniques appeal to you and what you want to continue developing!

• Comment on your overall thoughts about the techniques...

Did you find the techniques easy/difficult? Which ones! Did you enjoy working on your techniques? Are you pleased with the quality of your studies? What is your next step? Will you continue to develop/combine certain techniques or do you want to test/research new materials?

Deadline: Last lesson w/c 12th October 2015!

You must submit your board/s last lesson of the week!

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Lesson 10: Abstract Painting

Starter: I could do that!

Lesson Aims: To explore painted marks with a variety of paintbrushes and create a Patrick Heron/Vieira da Silva inspired abstract piece involving a range of layers, colour and shapes. 

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. To understand and appreciate different approaches to art
2. Learn how to accurately create grey tones with acrylic paint - reflecting on line
3. Understand fractal expressionism and the terms 'uncertainty/pure randomness'
4. Experiment with abstraction techniques to create your own painting inspired by artists Patrick Heron and Vieira da Silva.
Extension: Experiment with a low relief abstract study inspired by artist Ben Nicholson...


How do you mix grey tones correctly?

Patrick Heron inspired abstract painting:

Step 1: Background Colour
Paint the base of your long and thin with a light wash of your chosen shade of grey.

Step 2: Mark Making
Using these Patrick Heron/Vieira Da Silva paintings as a basis, build up layers of marks and shapes, blocks and stripes on top of your tonal base. The layers you create should be a mix of thick and thin paint, building up transparent layers. 

Plenary: Review of abstraction techniques
How could you extend the abstraction techniques learned today further? 


Complete either option 1 or 2 below:

OPTION 1:  Complete your 1 x copy of either Bee Bartlett or Kurt Jackson's work 

OPTION 2: Complete your 1 x copy of any abstract artist on the AS Techniques Board

2. Minimum size must be A4

3. You must ensure that you have used paint and mixed-media.

Deadline: First lesson w/c 12th October!

Remember to use the student examples on GoogleDrive here to help you!