Thursday 24 November 2016

Lesson 21: Presentation of Artist Research

Starter: Presentation of Mounting

Example Boards:

Lesson Aims: To present artist research on A1 mount board/s and continue independently to respond to your primary photographs through a broad range of materials/techniques.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3/ AO4

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Look at different presentation layouts 
2. Identify strong and weak artist research for mounting and blu-tac onto boards
3. Continue independently responding to your own imagery through a range of different materials/techniques
4. Receive 1-1 feedback/guidance on boards and initial responses.
Extension: Photocopy one of your linear drawings or primary photographs in B&W.  Choose 3 tones and add a light watercolour wash on top of it.


Mounting Artist Research:
Over the lesson you must mount all artist research. Ensure you stick to a similar presentation format as shown above and remember to include artist annotation. Remember: Straight cut edges!

If you have finished mounting then please continue to independently experiment with materials/techniques in response to your own imagery:

1. To complete and refine all initial responses by the end of the week - expectation is a min of 4-5 confident studies.

Deadline: 1st lesson w/c 9th November 2015!

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Lesson 10-12: Finalising initial responses

Lesson Aims: To continue creating a series of initial responses using fine art approaches.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (During this lesson we will): 
1. Have a 1-1 to discuss work completed so far
2. Receive your Component 1 grade and understand how to improve own work
3. Continue creating a series of studies in response to your primary/secondary photographs.
Extension: Research additional techniques and imagery on our Pinterest boards: Tutorials / Ideas, Portrait Resources and Landscape Resources.


Create your 2nd board for the project! Board 2 is all about your initial responses to your chosen theme and your board must include the following:

• statement of intent 
• 6 studies (utilise skills learnt from your artist research and make sure you take forward the strongest elements)
• contact sheet of photographs (annotated)
• Recording swatches to suggest your interests / refinement of media
• Experimentation with 1 of the following techniques: PVA transfer, pinhole inspired by artist Amy Friend/Wendy Kawabata and bubble printing/marbling.

Initial Responses:
Reflecting on your descriptive words and using your 'Responding to an Artist' sheet continue to create your own work inspired by your artist/s...

Extension techniques:
Complete a series of creative drawing techniques exploring line and tone:

• Pencil held down (or pen!)
• Smudge (ink  / pen and water)
• Linear / Contour
• Opposite hand
• Blind
• Upside down drawing
• 2 pencils same hand / 2 pencils different hand
• Cutout line work (stencil)
• Overlaying multiple lines with different mediums
• Ink & bleach / acrylic wash with pen
• White pencil / chalk on black paper
• Tonal paint on top of photograph
• Brown paper with white acrylic and biro
• Transfers - Sellotape / Acrylic
• Monoprint / Linoprint / Drypoint


1. To create a further 3 initial responses 

2. To mount initial responses and complete statement of intent (typed).

3. Experiment with min of 1 technique: PVA transfer, pinholes or creative backgrounds

4. Refine artist research!

Deadline: 1st lesson w/c 7th March!

Lesson 22 & 23: Initial Responses (Tone & Colour)

Starter: Blind Drawing
Choose a new image and using either a pen or pencil create a blind drawing - you may use your opposite hand if you wish!

Lesson Aims: To continue developing your ideas further using colour and a range of tonal techniques.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Complete targets for the week and receive 1-1 teacher feedback
2. Experiment with a range of tonal drawing techniques
3. Start exploring colour within drawing approaches
4. Reflect on work created so far through peer assessment.
Extension: Experiment with directional marks by creating an initial response in the style of Luke Dixon.


Independent Development / Experimentation:

Example Boards:

Plenary: Peer Assessment
Swop today's drawings with the person next to you and on a post-it note write one positive comment and one area for improvement. Once complete, swop work back and reflect on feedback given!

1. To complete and refine all initial responses by the end of the week - expectation is a min of 6 confident studies.

Deadline: First lesson w/c 16th November 2015!

Lesson 9: Review of initial responses

Starter: Challenge Ball!
You will each pick a challenge ball and answer the question on the ball in response to the work below:

Lesson Aims: To understand how to improve your own work and continue exploring new techniques
in response to your own photographs and artists.

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO3 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (During this lesson we will): 
1. Understand how to improve initial responses
2. Learn the potential and limitations of materials/techniques
3. Understand the work of Amy Friend and Wendy Kawabata and learn how to create their pinhole technique
4. Continue responding to your own imagery through a variety of chosen techniques and media
5. Receive 1-1 teacher feedback on artist board/s.
Extension: Experiment with a min of 1 new technique: pinhole rubbing, PVA transfer, experimental backgrounds: coloured dye/salt, marbling, bubble printing.

Pinhole Rubbing:

Next week you will complete your initial responses and finish mounting your 2nd board - make sure you are staying on track!


Initial Responses:
Reflecting on your descriptive words and using your 'Responding to an Artist' sheet continue to create your own work inspired by your artist/s...

Extension techniques:
Complete a series of creative drawing techniques exploring line and tone:

• Pencil held down (or pen!)
• Smudge (ink  / pen and water)
• Linear / Contour
• Opposite hand
• Blind
• Upside down drawing
• 2 pencils same hand / 2 pencils different hand
• Cutout line work (stencil)
• Overlaying multiple lines with different mediums
• Ink & bleach / acrylic wash with pen
• White pencil / chalk on black paper
• Tonal paint on top of photograph
• Brown paper with white acrylic and biro
• Transfers - Sellotape / Acrylic
• Monoprint / Linoprint

Example Boards:

Plenary: Review!


• Have you experimented with a new technique this week?
• Have you explored the potential and limitations of materials in your responses?

Review and Refine:

• What could you do to improve your work?

• Do you all feel confident that you know how to improve your initial responses?

1. Continue mounting initial responses as per example boards above
2. Ensure you have explored a min of one new technique this week
3. Complete min of 3 initial responses - you should have 4-5 by now (including Reading Week!)

Deadline: First lesson w/c 29th February 2016!

Lesson 8: What do you see?

Starter: What do you see?
This activity is designed to develop your visual literacy skills by describing and drawing the subject and compositional elements of a photograph!

Lesson Aims: To continue creating a series of initial responses that explore and record new techniques in response to your chosen exam theme and artists.

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO3 / AO4

Lesson Objectives (During this lesson we will): 
1. Learn how to highlight the hidden elements in a photograph
2. Reflect on your descriptive words from the 'What do you see?' activity and embed within studies
3. Learn how to create experimental backgrounds and how to embed them within your work
4. Continue responding to your own imagery through a variety of chosen techniques and media.
Extension: Experiment with a min of 1 new technique: pinhole rubbing, PVA transfer, experimental backgrounds: coloured dye/salt, marbling, bubble printing.

Experimental Backgrounds:


Artist Board: Remember! You are submitting your board for review at the end of this lesson!

Initial Responses:
Reflecting on your descriptive words and using your 'Responding to an Artist' sheet continue to create your own work inspired by your artist/s...

Example Boards:

1. Continue mounting initial responses as per example boards above
2. Complete min of 3 initial responses - you should have 4-5 by now (including Reading Week!)

Deadline: First lesson w/c 29th February 2016!

Lesson 7: Responding to an Artist

Starter: 1, 2, 3, 4 Critique!
Go around the room and review each other's artist research boards - each slip on a peers work must be completed 4 times on each side (strengths and improvements!). If a point has already been made you cannot repeat it and you must think of a fresh and original comment. The critique will stop once everyone's 1, 2, 3, 4 slip has been completed!

Who deserves to be Fine Artist of the week?

Lesson Aims: To highlight strengths of artist research and learn what to successfully develop forward into initial responses.

Assessment Objectives: AO2 / AO3/ AO4

Lesson Objectives (During this lesson we will): 
1. Participate in a 1,2,3,4 critique to highlight strengths and areas for improvement within artist research
2. Record how your artist/s produces their work and what materials/media you need to start visualising your own ideas
3. Learn how to create a PVA transfer and how to embed it within your work
4. Start/continue responding to your own imagery through a variety of chosen techniques and media.
Extension Experiment with a min of 1 new technique: pinhole rubbing, posca pens, experimental backgrounds: coloured dye/salt, marbling, bubble printing.

PVA Transfer:


Responding to an Artist:

Using the literacy sheets to help you complete the 'Responding to an Artist' sheet below:

What key words have you selected to use as your starting point?

Initial Responses:
Reflecting on your key words and using your 'Responding to an Artist' sheet start to create your own work inspired by your artist/s...

Example Boards:

1. Submit artist board by 2nd lesson of the week for teacher review
2. Start mounting initial responses as per example boards above
3. Complete min of 3 initial responses - you should have 4-5 by now (including Reading Week!)

Deadline: First lesson w/c 29th February 2016!

Lesson 20: Initial Responses (Creative Drawing & Ink / Bleach)

Starter: Pen Held Down
Choose a new primary image to work from and create a pen held down drawing in 10 minutes using a pen and tracing paper.

Lesson Aims: To continue responding from own imagery and developing your ideas further using a range of techniques and approaches.

Assessment Objectives: AO1 / AO2 / AO3

Lesson Objectives (during this lesson you will):
1. Create a pen held down drawing working from your primary imagery and collage into a new image
2. Create an upside down drawing making connections to Picasso
3. Respond to your images with ink and bleach
4. Develop further independent experiments.
Extension: Create a cut-out using black sugar paper and a scalpel.


Upside down drawing:
Choose a primary image to work from and turn the image upside down. Using newspaper (with a light acrylic wash colour of your choice) draw your image upside down in pen. You may use directional marks and water to add in tone!

Ink / Bleach:
Experiment with ink and bleach - you may use coloured dyes if you want to and incorporate any other media into your study!

Example Boards:

1. To buy 2 x A1 mount board / blu tac for artist research presentation
2. To continue experimenting with a broad range of materials / techniques in response to your own imagery. Use your artist research and be inspired by the use of their media and approach to painting/drawing. 
3. To complete and submit artist research board/s for diagnostic review.

Deadline: Friday 6th November 2:35pm!